Calicut Ham radio operators are organizing an one day Ham Radio Meet will be at IMHANS near by the Medical college hospital Calicut on 25 November 2018 from 9.30 am to 5pm. There are plenty of Ham Radio operators inside and outside Kerala with Short Wave Licensors (SWL) will gather this occasion.
This fair was first made to commemorate of Mr. Karan who is the sixth Ham Radio Operator in the place of Calicut in 1996.
The Broadcasting Listers have been celebrating this year with the anniversary of BCDXNet, conducted in the 40 meter (7085 KhZ band) led by Sanal Deep from Kozhikode for the last thirty years. HAM radio will provide opportunity to newcomers and those who are prepared to arrive in the community and directly study the various forms of activities. As such, there was a demonstration of new and old radio communications equipment and sale. There will be the advanced communications systems such as Digital Voice, Data Systems are demonstrating also conducting a Workshop on This Technologies.
Ham meet is regulated by registrations. For more information and registration visit the official web site